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EnergyMax energy management software logo


Energy management software applications are leading the way in cost reduction for manufacturing companies where: energy consumption represents an important line in their budget, water consumption is constrained, or reducing the CO2 footprint is a must.

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This unique application uses sub-metering to provide the exact quantity and cost of the energy your machines are using in each manufacturing operation.

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EnergyMax allows you to run “what-if” analyses to determine the most cost-effective energy source, enabling you to balance production to avoid peak charges. It also reports on CO2 footprint.

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  • 16% Reduction in Peak Energy Costs
  • 12% Reduction in Overall Energy Costs
  • 11% Decrease in Water Consumption
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  • Sub-Metering to Determine per-Piece Energy Cost
  • Analysis for Best Energy Source to Use
  • CO2 Reports can be Used to Apply for Rebates & Incentives